Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Topic 11: Cell Phone Etiquette

Task #1:We are going to begin by taking a quick survey. Click here to take a short quiz on cell phone etiquette. At the end of the quiz click on "see results." Well, how did you do? Post a short blog telling about your results.

It said I could be worse. In the quiz they thought that I was aware of how to use a phone properly, but, that I don't always practice it. That with a little more practice I can avoid the evil stares of strangers and save myself the embarrassment of revealing private details on a quiet bus. Also to use the environmental settings on my phone, excuse myself from a conversation if it is necessary to make or take a phone call. They thought it was gross that I don't mind using my phone in the bathroom.

Task #3: Service Learning Weekly Journal

My supervisor is always very clear on what she wants me to do when I get to my service learning site. She always has something prepared for me. She is very helpful and she listens to what I have to say if it's a question or a suggestion. Five & Ten has been an awesome time for me and I am going to miss it but I will be back soon there but as an employee. Which is even more exciting to know that I have a job now. I also can't wait to learn more so I can become better Pastry Chef.

Topic 10: Communication Skills

Assignment #1:List three forms of communication for every type. Then explain what barriers or problems could arise with each form of communication. Explain how those barriers or problems could be rectified or solved.

Written: Text message
Verbal: Cell Phone
Non-verbal: T-Shirts

Sending a text message is different because people don't understand exactly what you are trying to say. It can come out mean when you where never trying to sound mean. It can even sound nice when you where trying to sound mean. It's very difficult to understand people that way. It can create a lot of problems for friends or anyone. They can get mad at each other for misunderstanding them from there text message. Talking in cellphones or house phones is not quite good either because the line can cut off completely or just be cutting off during the conversation. Then people might think that you clicked on them or they won't hear you clearly and maybe the little bit that they heard sounded rude or nice. Now having a T-Shirt with a writing that offends someone is another conflict. People may not even know that it offends a person. They just like the shirt because of the colors or something but it has nothing to do on what it says or its significance. Maybe they do feel the same about what their shirt says. If so, someone will feel offended and will get mad at them and will conclude into a conflict. To fix all these conflicts they would have to clarify things or they can talk about it and explain to each other what they feel about everything until they come to an understanding, if possible.

Assignment #2:Write about your communication skills. Do you think you have good communication skills? Do you think you communicate effectively and efficiently with everyone you encounter? Do you communicate differently with different groups/kinds of people? If so, why? Do you see ways you could improve your communication skills?

I think I have good communication skills but at first I am very shy. Once I get to know the person I get to know how she/he really is. I like all kinds of people I don't judge someone right away I let them tell me how they are. If I don't like how they are then I just don't become great friends with her but I'm not rude and tell her that I don't want to talk to her, unless she does things I really don't like. But I would just talk to her when I see her, say hi and everything. I can improve my communication skills by talking more to people because what stops me from talking to someone right away is that I am very shy.

Assignment # 3: Service Learning Weekly Journal.

I communicate with people a lot at Five & Ten. They are very communicative as well. Especially being in a restaurant where everyone helps each other out, we all talk to each other. I have learned what we have to wear there, also many recipes. What I have also learned is that we need to be out of each others way so we won't bump each other and slow each other down. They like to get things done as soon as possible, so it won't be hard to fix the plates later on.

Topic 9: Attitudes

Task Two: 1. Take a few minutes to reflect and examine your attitude. Write a paragraph giving an accurate assessment of your attitude. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life? 2. Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples. 3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

I have changed a lot from before because before I used to have a negative attitude, always looking mean, and everyone would tell me I always looked mean. But now after having my daughter I have learned so much and understand that for the reasons I was mean was for nothing. Now a days I am very happy maybe a little tired because little ones do ware you out, but always in a positive attitude.

I think for my service learning I am doing very good. Everyone is very polite so I return the politeness. They even ask me why I am so nice and happy all the time. I tell them well I'm just happy all the time, I don't let nothing bring me down. Well, having my daughter with me is the only reason why I am always happy. But I have never had a negative attitude towards the workers where I work.

The attitude of my dad and mom influences me so much because I have seen them go through some hard things, but they are always in a good mood, moving on from that, and living life how it's supposed to be. They always act like if nothing is happening. Maybe inside they are really worried or upset but they never showed it to me. Also, maybe it is just being a parent, they try not to worry me so they act like they are happy, which is possible too. People may not be always happy as they look, but maybe they are just trying to get through the day without bringing anybody down with them.

Task Three: Service Learning Weekly Journal

At my service learning site I have been very polite to them as they have to me. I have had a great time with them, they show me a lot and I appreciate it. I've always kept a positive attitude throughout this whole time, all these weeks. I will keep a positive attitude always because that's the best way to go to be able to live life to it's fullest. The reason why is because being in a negative attitude wastes your time being mad at some one and not being able to do things for being angry. Have fun, laugh, and dance, anything to be happy. My service learning site has been a great experience and I keep learning every week.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Topic 6: Attendance and Timeliness

Task Two:Understanding where your time goes: Keep a time log of how long certain activities take you. Write down each thing you do in the mornings before coming to school or to your service learning site. Determine which of these items could be done faster or at the same time. You may find you waste time in ways you do not even realize.

In the mornings when I wake up I...
Go to the bathroom.
Brush my teeth.
Take a shower.
Get dressed.
Eat some breakfast.
Watch television.
Wake up my daughter.
Bathe her.
Get her dressed.
Feed her.
Play with her.
Then I go to work or school.

What I can do to not waste time is to not watch television. Once I have showered, I can bathe my daughter and get her dressed. Then we can both go eat together. After that if there is time maybe I can play with her for a little while. If not then give her to my mom and go to work or school.

Task Three: I. Discuss a variety of ways you can implement time management into your daily life. II. What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?

What I can do to implement time management into my daily life is to be more organized. Being able to know when I will do things , what time, and know if I will have time to do it. Also waking up early as well. If I need to go out then know where I will be going and get directions if it is my first time going. Being able to multitask because that would really save me some time.

If I became overwhelmed with obligations then I would go crazy. I do not do good when I am overwhelmed. I would need to cut things out for the day. Like anything that can be put out for the next day because I wouldn't be able to finish my tasks quickly. If I did do it quickly then I wouldn't do the things completely right.

Task IV. Blog Post - Service Learning Weekly Journal

I think that for my service learning I have been doing very well because I've been wanting to do my best on working. I had trouble always been late but I figured that if I am getting a new job I need to learn how to not be late. I have been very proud of myself that I have been doing a very good job on reaching my goal to not be late to work. Also I would like to be quicker in things by being able to multitask two things at the same time so I can be quicker, and get more things done. Everyone there is very nice there and they help me out when I do something wrong or don't know what to do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Topic 3 - Study Skills

Task #1 First, let's take a little inventory of your present study skills. Examine the list of study skills below. Next, choose one or two skills you would like to improve. In a short paragraph, tell which skills you chose and why. Post your response on your blog.

What I would like to improve in, is getting to class on time, and getting started. I always feel like I have all the time in the world to get to class, and, I don't even worry about what time it is and if I will be late to class or not. I just leave whenever I am ready, which is not a good study skill for me if I want to have all my classwork done on time and not miss anything from class time. I also always put things off 'til the next day if I can. I never even try doing things ahead of time to finish earlier. I do all my work a day before it is due or right before class starts, or maybe even do it during class and pass it at the end of the class. People always think I won't do any of the work, but I always do it, but always at the last minute. These two skills are skills that I need to work on and hope to get better at in the future.

Task #2 Click here to open a website dedicated entirely to improving study skills. Here is a chance to work on improving two skills that most people usually need to work on -- how to take notes and combating procrastination. You will complete this task in two parts.

What I can do to take better notes is review my notes from the previous class session before I come to class. This will help me remember what was covered and get me ready to understand new information my teacher provides. Also I should try and complete all assigned readings before I come to class. My teacher will be expecting me to have read everything and will use and build upon this information. As well as being prepared for class, I need to bring all note taking materials with me to class like having several pens and pencils as well as my notebook. I also can take notes during class but quickly so that I can include all the important information in my notes. As for being organized, I can rewrite my notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.

What I would do to stop procrastination is firstly, to motivate myself to work on a task with thoughts such as "There is no time like the present," or "nobody's perfect." Secondly, prioritize the tasks I have to do. Thirdly, commit myself to completing a task once started. Fourthly, to find a good place to work on my task. Finally, work on the more difficult tasks and then work my way up to the more easier ones. Then things will seem more easier and I will get through the task quickly and ahead of time.

Task # 3 Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal.

My experience at Five & Ten has been awesome. I've been progressing since the first day
I was there. I learn to make new things every week. I'm always on time to work. Which is a great start for me because I had problems being on time to places, but I've been on time every week since the first day on the job. Five & Ten has been a great beginning for me because I've learned so much, and I'm very excited to make this my career.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Topic 2: Planning For Immediate and Long Term Success

Task Two: Where do you want to be in ten years? What can you do now to get there? Visualize what you want your life to be like in ten years. What do you look like? What are you doing? Where are you living? What kind of job do you have? Are you sharing your life with a partner? Have you started a family? etc.

In ten years:
I want to have a great job working as a pastry chef.
Maybe living in Boston or just here in Athens.
Having my own house with my daughter.
Be able to spend time with her and work at the same time. Being able to balance those 2.
Able to give anything my daughter needs.
Iliana would be going to school already probably in 5th grade.
Have a car to go to work and take my daughter to school.
What I can do to get there:
Is finish my 3 classes with an A.
Applying for colleges.
Get a temporary job 'til I graduate college, and then get a better job.
Start saving money for my house and car.
Check the places in Boston and here in Athens to see where it would be better to live for me and my daughter.

Task Three: I have had a great experience so far in Five And Ten. They teach me a lot of things there. I have done many pastries on my own now, and it went well with their help. I haven't messed up any pastries yet. And hopefully I never do because then it would take time to do it over again. But I'm very happy where I'm working right now. Everyone there is very polite to me and teaches me things, and they correct me when I'm doing things wrong which I'm thankful for because thats how I learn more everyday. So my experience in Five and Ten is going very good so far.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Topic 1: Seven Habits of Successful PLC Students

Task One: In which of these areas do you need to make the most improvement to become a more successful student? Even if you feel as though you are already successful, you could still make strides in one of these areas? Which is it?

The area where I need to improve most in to be a more successful student is #2, Develop good study habits. I have the tendency to never study even if I don't know anything on what the test is on. And when the test comes around, and I don't know any of the answers, all I have left is to guess and hope for the best. But sometimes I do know somethings but not everything, w
hich is not quite good for someone who wants to be a successful student. So all I'm saying is that I should develop good study habits, so I know what is going to be on the test and do good on them instead of guessing on things I could probably know if I just studied.

Task Two:
What did we miss? Can you think of anything you might add to this list? Come up with one or two more habits you believe positive students have. Explain why you think your additions to this list would be important for every student at Classic City High School.

I think that students from Classic City High School should support one another to do their work, as well as being on time. Having support from one another is great because everyone has their days when they just don't want to go to school anymore or even do any work. But having students help each other out getting through at least that day is a big help. We all can help each other out. And we can all get help from each other as well. No matter if it's students or teachers we all have bad days, and all we can do to help them is to support them through the day. That's a habit I think us students at PLC should have to support each other day by day till the year is over.

My experience I had in Five & Ten was great I learned how the people work in the kitchen, and how busy and quickly you need to do things to have everything done on time and do things well. They taught me a lot of things on the first day. Everyone there was very polite and fun to be around. Once I got there I adapted to the work very quickly. I think my first day went great and hope to learn more everyday.