Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Topic 9: Attitudes

Task Two: 1. Take a few minutes to reflect and examine your attitude. Write a paragraph giving an accurate assessment of your attitude. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life? 2. Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples. 3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

I have changed a lot from before because before I used to have a negative attitude, always looking mean, and everyone would tell me I always looked mean. But now after having my daughter I have learned so much and understand that for the reasons I was mean was for nothing. Now a days I am very happy maybe a little tired because little ones do ware you out, but always in a positive attitude.

I think for my service learning I am doing very good. Everyone is very polite so I return the politeness. They even ask me why I am so nice and happy all the time. I tell them well I'm just happy all the time, I don't let nothing bring me down. Well, having my daughter with me is the only reason why I am always happy. But I have never had a negative attitude towards the workers where I work.

The attitude of my dad and mom influences me so much because I have seen them go through some hard things, but they are always in a good mood, moving on from that, and living life how it's supposed to be. They always act like if nothing is happening. Maybe inside they are really worried or upset but they never showed it to me. Also, maybe it is just being a parent, they try not to worry me so they act like they are happy, which is possible too. People may not be always happy as they look, but maybe they are just trying to get through the day without bringing anybody down with them.

Task Three: Service Learning Weekly Journal

At my service learning site I have been very polite to them as they have to me. I have had a great time with them, they show me a lot and I appreciate it. I've always kept a positive attitude throughout this whole time, all these weeks. I will keep a positive attitude always because that's the best way to go to be able to live life to it's fullest. The reason why is because being in a negative attitude wastes your time being mad at some one and not being able to do things for being angry. Have fun, laugh, and dance, anything to be happy. My service learning site has been a great experience and I keep learning every week.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine you "looking mean"! You have a wonderful outlook on life that impacts those around you- including me. Thank you for that.

    Excellent post. 40/40 points.
