Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Topic 3 - Study Skills

Task #1 First, let's take a little inventory of your present study skills. Examine the list of study skills below. Next, choose one or two skills you would like to improve. In a short paragraph, tell which skills you chose and why. Post your response on your blog.

What I would like to improve in, is getting to class on time, and getting started. I always feel like I have all the time in the world to get to class, and, I don't even worry about what time it is and if I will be late to class or not. I just leave whenever I am ready, which is not a good study skill for me if I want to have all my classwork done on time and not miss anything from class time. I also always put things off 'til the next day if I can. I never even try doing things ahead of time to finish earlier. I do all my work a day before it is due or right before class starts, or maybe even do it during class and pass it at the end of the class. People always think I won't do any of the work, but I always do it, but always at the last minute. These two skills are skills that I need to work on and hope to get better at in the future.

Task #2 Click here to open a website dedicated entirely to improving study skills. Here is a chance to work on improving two skills that most people usually need to work on -- how to take notes and combating procrastination. You will complete this task in two parts.

What I can do to take better notes is review my notes from the previous class session before I come to class. This will help me remember what was covered and get me ready to understand new information my teacher provides. Also I should try and complete all assigned readings before I come to class. My teacher will be expecting me to have read everything and will use and build upon this information. As well as being prepared for class, I need to bring all note taking materials with me to class like having several pens and pencils as well as my notebook. I also can take notes during class but quickly so that I can include all the important information in my notes. As for being organized, I can rewrite my notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.

What I would do to stop procrastination is firstly, to motivate myself to work on a task with thoughts such as "There is no time like the present," or "nobody's perfect." Secondly, prioritize the tasks I have to do. Thirdly, commit myself to completing a task once started. Fourthly, to find a good place to work on my task. Finally, work on the more difficult tasks and then work my way up to the more easier ones. Then things will seem more easier and I will get through the task quickly and ahead of time.

Task # 3 Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal.

My experience at Five & Ten has been awesome. I've been progressing since the first day
I was there. I learn to make new things every week. I'm always on time to work. Which is a great start for me because I had problems being on time to places, but I've been on time every week since the first day on the job. Five & Ten has been a great beginning for me because I've learned so much, and I'm very excited to make this my career.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice to yourself and others!
    Well written post. 30/30 points.
